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Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Judging others by their appearances free essay sample
To see is to accept. It’s one reason why we regularly misinterpret individuals dependent on their appearance, we consider their to be as an impression of their character or on how they live their lives. We are individuals; we rush to pass judgment on others. I realize that making a decision about others will hurt them on the grounds that in any case no one loves it. Concerning me I don't care for individuals making a decision about others particularly on the off chance that they didn’t even know them, yet we generally have that some point in time that we can't abstain from making a decision about individuals, it is a piece of growing up with our environmental factors and getting mindful of them. Yet, saying that you don't care for an individual due to how he/she looks like is going over the edge of judging, this may regularly prompt tormenting and losing confidence as a result of their appearance. That’s why a few young ladies wouldn’t even go out without wearing cosmetics, since make up can improve magnificence and along these lines boosting trust in oneself. We will compose a custom paper test on Making a decision about others by their appearances or then again any comparative point explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page I am regularly misconstrue by others due to how tranquil and quiet I am, they may imagine that I’m exhausting and has no companions at all and I can't stay away from those decisions since it is the means by which they think, it is their view of me as an individual. Making a decision about others can prompt prejudice and segregation which is an awful thing, by deciding in that sort of way is generalizing others. At the point when a young lady sees a man with bunches of tattoos and penetrating, she expect that this man is a criminal which is a type of generalizing. A few types of judgment is mental, model when a kid was tormented as a youngster by a person who used to wear red constantly, this kid may grow up dreading and staying away from the individuals who sport red. Everything relies upon our environmental factors and on how we consider others. The viral music video of Miley Cyrus’ unleashing ball has a great deal of judgment going on; individuals were baffled by the manner in which she ended up being. That is to say, nobody anticipated that her should be totally extraordinary and bare in her music video since she was a Disney kid star. A large portion of the individuals segregated her as a result of what they found in that video, however for Miley it was more than that, the verses inside that she kept in touch with herself was a greater amount of a declaration of how broken she is. All I’m saying is that we shouldn’t promptly judge things dependent on what we see however we ought to likewise comprehend the storyâ behind it since it helps others. On the off chance that you don’t have anything great to state, you should simply quiet down in light of the fact that words are ground-breaking than what we might suspect. The idiom goes; â€Å"Do not judge a book by its cover†is valid. Much the same as a book, if the spread appears to be unappealing, there are potential outcomes that we won’t even trouble understanding it. In light of brain science, Beliefs are shaped in the inner mind because of reiteration. In the event that you were told every day that you ought not pass judgment flippantly then you will grow up as a grown-up who never makes a decision about individuals by appearance. As indicated by certain articles, individuals judge others dependent on physical appearance for various reasons. Individuals are driven by physical joys and excellence. Individuals likewise partial against certain components, for example, skin shading and sexual orientation. Furthermore, individuals have been affected by the media which has depicted a few things as terrible while other great. One well known mental actuality expresses that on the off chance that you met an individual who was extremely quite fascinating, at that point most presumably you will feel that those who seem as though him to be intriguing individuals. Medias has a great deal of decisions while choosing a character jobs, when somebody looks attractive, they are promptly chosen as a Hero while those are not that attractive to them depicts as the scalawags, on the grounds that the more gorgeous the saint is, there will be more watchers and along these lines collecting their own cash. It is a human instinct to contrast ourselves with others, regardless of whether it’s to our relatives, peers or even big names we find in the media. We base our decisions of ourselves as well as other people on these correlations. Others state that it isn't right to pass judgment on somebody by their physical appearance in light of the fact that your creation fun of what they look like and that isn't right. What's more, that is called BULLYING and your creation fun of divine beings creation that is the manner in which they look. So in passing judgment on other dependent on their appearance isn't right in light of the fact that never observe others characters by their garments. Truth be told, some the wealth have a lot of cash, current vehicle, enormous home, and high training yet their characters are bad. They generally utilize harsh words to destitute individuals. On the off chance that we look by their appearance, we will reason that they are the acceptable individuals yet it not in any way. In this manner, we should all pass judgment on somebody by their character and not looks.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Assess the social implications of business ethics Essay Example for Free
Evaluate the social ramifications of business morals Essay Condition nature can influence the human action. So for instance; an unnatural weather change which is the warming of the planet’s surface that is brought about via carbon dioxide. So as to maintain a business effectively they would need to ensure that their clients know about all the earth cordial exercises that they do and that they are not hurting the earth in any case as certain clients do pay attention to keeping condition solid. Sainsbury’s is extremely mindful about thinking about the natural and being eco-accommodating and ensuring that they are not making any harm the territories around them. They pay attention to the environmental change. They are worried about the effect that they have on nature. Their point is to diminish the carbon impression, decrease bundling and lessening waste. Sainsbury’s are worried about the effect that they have on nature, additionally with the profession sacks they give they ensure that they just take out the measure of packs that they need so the packs are squandered. They need to ensure that they are making a constant improvement with the earth so it isn't hurting anybody. Sainsbury’s would prefer not to hurt the modern zones in any case, and that is the reason any place they are found is constantly sheltered where it would not make any harm the individuals or the planet. They need the atmosphere to be acceptable and they realize what ways it could influence it and what they have to do so as to forestall raising harm and avoiding ruckus. So as to improve this Sainsbury’s can ensure that anything that they do doesn't influence the earth and perhaps before rolling out any significant improvements they take advices from their neighborhoods what they think and how and what should be possible to improve it. They could likewise charge for the sacks so the clients don't begin requesting more packs then they as of now need. Sainsbury’s could likewise continue distributing data on natural execution so everybody acknowledges that it is so imperative to take care of the earth. Exchanging decently these are the principles the organizations need to follow which incorporate; the business needs to run in an open way, rivalry can just occur in the middle of organizations that have a place with equivalent gatherings and ensuring their clients are fulfilled and are feeling made sure about with the business’s items and the nature of the items. All usinesses need to ensure that they are straightforward to their clients and are depicting their items all things considered to their clients with the goal that they don't blow up by misunderstanding the data. Sainsbury’s utilize numerous items that are natural and make some reasonable exchange items, for example, new organic products. T hey have to ensure every one of their items are exchanged reasonably and are paying their providers and workers decently and ensure they are presently paying them beneath the national the lowest pay permitted by law. They can't undermine their worker by furnishing them with an inappropriate data about the item or charge their clients extra for the item. All organizations need to observe all the guidelines and guidelines so as to run morally. Lawful and administrative consistence all organizations must adhere to all the laws and guidelines that have been set provided that they don't consent to observing the standards they would not be maintaining the business morally. Each association must be honest to their clients and give them the right data about the item and furthermore not cheat them for any of their products and enterprises. Sainsbury’s need to ensure that they are following the enactments and guidelines with the goal that they are not doing that is illegal. They need their business to be running with wellbeing and security so nobody is hurt by it. They have a go at enlisting staff as could be expected under the circumstances with the goal that they are not the reason for joblessness, they plan their business appropriately so they don't experience to confront any difficulty in the long haul and they have been doing that very well as this is the motivation behind why they are running effectively, they care about nature and would prefer not to cause contamination that is the reason they produce practical items. They treat their laborers right and adhere to the guidelines of not making them work more than they should, take weakness of them, they keep record everything being equal and ensures it’s accessible for specialists. They ensure they are approaching their clients with deference and are not letting them down at all. Pay off this is the point at which a business utilizes cash to sift through the conduct of the recipient. Sainsbury’s have constantly adhered to the laws so they haven’t truly experienced pay off or as it were ‘corruption. They are continually guaranteeing of their arrangements that they make. They would do nothing that would be unlawful. They would not take any activities that would later on have a negative effect on the business despite the fact that they could pay off the nearby government by giving them additional cash with the goal that they government would let them do things that they wouldn’t let different organizations do. So as to improve their presentation Sainsbury’s could gauge their degree of defilement and recognize their shortcomings. This would assist them with improving approaches to fulfill the guidelines of their clients and the various individuals who are a piece of their business and make sense of how to improve and resolve whatever other issues that could happen later on. Creature testing-this is utilized to make sense of whether an item is sheltered and powerful. The creation of merchandise can prompt moral issues, which Sainsbury’s are against. Practically all organizations test their items on creatures before selling it in the market. Anyway Sainsbury’s don't support of this as they accept that creatures ought to be dealt with reasonably and with deference so they are continually attempting to increase government assistance expectations. From giving pigs more joyful lives through improved cultivating techniques, to guarantee that their own-name beauty care products fulfill the Humane Cosmetics Guideline and expanding their scope of opportunity food items, which meet severe RSPCA rules. They offer wide scopes of higher government assistance nourishments and beauty care products at any UK retailer yet all Sainsbury’s items are liberated from creature testing.
Sunday, August 2, 2020
Tips for Reaching Your Goals When You Have PTSD
Tips for Reaching Your Goals When You Have PTSD PTSD Coping Print Tips for Reaching Your Goals When You Have PTSD Behavioral activation can help you reconnect with joyful experiences By Matthew Tull, PhD twitter Matthew Tull, PhD is a professor of psychology at the University of Toledo, specializing in post-traumatic stress disorder. Learn about our editorial policy Matthew Tull, PhD Updated on June 24, 2019 Yuri Arcurs/Creative RF/Getty Images More in PTSD Coping Causes Symptoms Diagnosis Treatment Related Conditions PTSD and the Military You can learn how to be more active in your life to create experiences that bring you joy - even as youre dealing with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). When people feel depressed or anxious, they may be less likely to do the things they enjoy. Behavioral activation is a way to bring some joy back into your life by being a more active participant. The goal of behavioral activation is simple. It teaches people how to be more active in areas of their life that are pleasurable and enjoyable. Being more connected and involved with these experiences can improve your mood. Behavioral activation is easy. Follow the steps below to identify the goals and activities you want to accomplish so you can get started on your new, more active and positive lifestyle as soon as possible. How to Reach Your Life Goals When Suffering From PTSD Identify your goals. Come up with a list of several short- and long-term goals that you would like to accomplish. These goals can have a definite end-point (for example, getting a new job) or may be ongoing (for example, being a more giving person).Next, identify smaller activities. Focus on things you can complete each week that are going to take you closer to the goals that you identify. For example, if you want to be a more giving person, you might want to choose an activity that involves volunteer work or giving to a charity.Document. On a sheet of paper, write down all the activities you want to complete for a certain week. Also, indicate how many times you want to do the activity and for how long. For example, someone who writes down exercise as an activity may also write down that they want to exercise three times a week for at least half an hour.Track your progress. When you have completed a goal for that week, place a checkmark next to the activity to indicate its completion .Celebrate success. If you complete all your goals for a certain week, reward yourself. Give yourself credit for being more active and getting closer to meeting your life goals.Capitalize on momentum. Each week, build upon the previous week. Carry activities over from week to week. If there are certain activities that you want to make into a habit (for example, weekly exercise), repetition is important.Enjoy. Practice gratitude and be fully present in your new, more active and enjoyable lifestyle. Tips Go for variety. When coming up with goals and activities, variety is key. Choose goals and activities from a number of different life areas, such as those that involve relationships, education, career, hobbies, spirituality, and health.Focus on fun. The purpose of behavioral activation is to improve your mood, not stress you out even more. Come up with activities that you find enjoyable.Start out slow. In the first couple of weeks, come up with a list of activities that you know you can easily accomplish and then slowly build from there. Coming up with too many activities in the first week can be challenging and stressful, making it less likely that you will meet your goals.Review your progress. If you decide to use a form to keep track of your goals, hold onto forms from weeks past. Each month, review the progress you have made in getting closer to reaching your goals.Commit, but be flexible. Finally, commit to completing the activities you choose from week to week. But remember tha t there are going to be times when other pressing needs take precedence over these activities. If you find that you are unable to complete your goals for a certain week, take a look back at the week and identify any obstacles that prevented you from doing so. Problem-solve how to side-step those obstacles next time they present themselves.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Managing Workforce Diversity Principles of Management
Managing workforce diversity: Principles of management Workforce diversity can be an organizations greatest strength provided it is managed correctly. Diversity can generate organizational value. Workers of diverse backgrounds can provide input to management about how to cope with the challenges of the global marketplace. A Japanese-American employee can provide advice about to deal with a client from the Far East; a female employee can offer her input about how to market a new product to spark womens interest; an employee with a different educational or vocational background than the majority of participants of a work team can provide an out of the box perspective. Diversity refers to: the variety of experiences and perspective which arise from differences in race, culture, religion, mental or physical abilities, heritage, age, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity and other characteristics (Chapter 12: Managing Diversity in the Workplace, 2012, UCF). These various experiences in both large and small organizations can foster creativity and healthy dialogue, enabling the organization to grow and to avoid the traps of groupthink. However, as positive as diversity may be, by and large, it can also have some downsides, if not managed correctly. A diverse workplace may initially lack the unspoken connections and subtext that enable people to communicate quickly. Appropriate orientation is required for all members of the workplace, so they can learn to see theShow MoreRelatedManagement : Management Careers And Diversity Essay1744 Words  | 7 PagesManagement Careers and Diversity Introduction Ongori and Agolla (2007) state that managing workforce diversity in an organization is a complex phenomenon. They suggest that with the current organizational transformations being implemented across the globe, management of workforce diversity cannot be downplayed. 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Monday, May 11, 2020
Displacement in Language Definition and Examples
In linguistics, a characteristic of language that allows users to talk about things and events other than those occurring in the here and now. Displacement is one of the distinct properties of human language. Its significance as one of the 13 (later 16) design features of language was noted by American linguist Charles Hockett in 1960. Pronunciation  dis-PLAS-ment Examples and Observations When your pet cat comes home and stands at your feet calling meow, you are likely to understand this message as relating to that immediate time and place. If you ask your cat where it has been and what it has been up to, youll probably get the same meow response. Animal communication seems to be designed exclusively for this moment, here and now. It cannot effectively be used to relate events that are far removed in time and place. When your dog says GRRR, it means GRRR, right now, because dogs dont seem to be capable of communicating GRRR, last night, over in the park. In contrast, human language users are normally capable of producing messages equivalent to GRRR, last night, over in the park, and then going on to say, In fact, Ill be going back tomorrow for some more. Humans can refer to past and future time. This property of human language is called displacement. . . . Indeed, displacement allows us to talk about things and places (e.g. angels, fairies, Santa Claus, Superman, heav en, hell) whose existence we cannot even be sure of.(George Yule, The Study of Language, 4th ed. Cambridge University Press, 2010) A Characteristic of All Human Languages Consider the range of things that you can say, such as a sentence like this: Hey, kids, your mother left last night, but dont worry, shell be back when shes come to terms with the whole notion of mortality. (This was said tongue in cheek by a friend, but its a useful example.) By uttering certain sounds in a given order, the speaker of this sentence is addressing particular individuals (the kids), referring to a particular individual who isnt there (their mother), referring to times that are not the present (last night and whenever the mother comes to terms), and referring to abstract ideas (worry and mortality). Let me point out in particular that the ability to refer to things that are not physically present (objects here, and times) is known as displacement. Both displacement and the ability to refer to abstractions are common to all human languages.(Donna Jo Napoli, Language Matters: A Guide to Everyday Questions About Language. Oxford University Press, 2003) Achieving Displacement Different languages accomplish displacement in different ways. English has a system of auxiliary verbs (e.g., will, was, were, had) and affixes (e.g., pre- in predates; -ed in dated) to signal when an event occurred relative to the moment of speaking or relative to other events.(Matthew J. Traxler, Introduction to Psycholinguistics: Understanding Language Science. Wiley, 2012) Displacement and the Origins of Language Compare these: Theres a mosquito buzzing in my ear.Nothing is more irritating than a buzzing sound. In the first, theres a particular buzzing in the here and now. In the second, there may be, but there neednt be--I could say this in reacting to a story about something that happened years ago. In talking about symbolism and words, people often make far too much of arbitrariness--the absence of any relationship between a words form and its meaning. . . . [W]hen it comes to how language began, displacement is a factor far more important than arbitrariness.(Derek Bickerton, Adams Tongue: How Humans Made Language, How Language Made Humans. Hill and Wang, 2009)[M]ental time travel is critical to language. . . . Language . . . may have evolved primarily to enable humans to share their memories, plans, and stories, enhancing social cohension and creating a common culture.(Michael C. Corballis, The Recursive Mind: The Origins of Human Language, Thought, and Civilization. Princeton University Press, 2011) One Exception: The Dance of the Honeybee This displacement, which we take utterly for granted, is one of the most momentous differences between human languages and the signaling systems of all other species. . . .There is just one striking exception. A honeybee scout which has discovered a source of nectar returns to its hive and performs a dance, watched by other bees. This bee dance tells the watching bees what direction the nectar lies in, how far away it is, and how much nectar there is. And this is displacement: the dancing bee is passing on information about a site which it visited some time ago and which it now cannot see, and the watching bees respond by flying off to locate the nectar. Startling though it is, the bee dance is, so far at least, absolutely unique in the non-human world: no other creatures, not even apes, can communicate anything of the sort, and even the bee dance is severely limited in its expressive powers: it cannot cope with the slightest novelty.(Robert Lawrence Trask and Peter Stockwell, Langua ge and Linguistics: The Key Concepts. Routledge, 2007)
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Youth Justice Policy in Britain (1945-1981) †from Punishment to Welfare Free Essays
Introduction The discussion of the youth justice policy in Britain has re-gained importance in the aftermath of the August 2011 riots, which spread across London and other major cities in the country. Think tank analysts and policy experts argued, that the youths which allegedly took part in the riots, were disillusioned and de-motivated young people from broken homes (Politics UK, 2011). The deep societal problem behind youth engagement in the London riots raised the question about the efficacy of the youth justice system in Britain, and debates about its institutional reform permeated the political discourse. We will write a custom essay sample on Youth Justice Policy in Britain (1945-1981) – from Punishment to Welfare or any similar topic only for you Order Now After the gruesome murder of James Bulger in 1993 by two ten-year old boys the public and policy-makers became convinced, that only a general policy reform of the youth justice system is not sufficient. Rather a reform of specific sectors such as the ones dealing with anti-social behaviour and gang crime was much more urgent (Guardian, 2011). The purpose of this short essay is to critically review the different phases in the development of the youth justice system from the 1940s to 1981. Based on the conclusions, in the final section recommendations for policy reform will be made. Research question The purpose of this essay is to critically approach the different stages in the evolution of the youth justice policy in Britain. Based on this observation, the paper will provide an assessment of how the system has evolved and what the main trends in its transformation are. For clarity the author has decided to separate the observations in the following stages – from punishment to welfare, young offenders enter the community, and the strengthening of the Intermediate Treatment. Each one of them will be critically analysed in the following sections. The youth justice system in Britain: a review Before we proceed with the examination of the main developments in the youth justice system in the set period, it is important to provide a brief overview of the main components and structures of this system. Similarly to other types of youth justice systems, the British one inclines towards prevention, rather then retribution (Bottoms Dignan, 2004). Bottoms and Dignan (2004) refer to the British youth justice system as a correctionalist and committed to the prevention of committing offences. The idea of the correctionalist system implies stronger intervention on behalf of the state, as opposed to earlier views such as letting young offenders grow out of the crime. This characteristic trend, experts argue, reflects a much more complex and multi-level approach to dealing with youth crime, involving different elements such as parents and agency teams. The trend has been accompanied with an intensive institutional reform, such as the introduction of the semi-independent body of the Youth Justice Board with the 1998 Crime and Disorder Act (Community Care, 2010). In the years to follow, there has been a trend for the unification of all activities related with youth justice under the umbrella of a single department – the Ministry of Justice, in order to create accountability and higher levels of responsibility in one of the most important and problematic policy areas in Britain. The 1940s – from punishment to welfare It is now clear that society’s views on crime change over time and are susceptible to historical and social conditions. The youth justice system in Britain is an example of the transformation of the concepts of crime and offender in social and political terms. Therefore the way young criminals have been treated by the criminal justice system has been a subject of reform throughout the years. In the late 1930s and early 1940s, perhaps one of the most important developments in the youth justice system is that a line between children and adult offenders was finally drawn. For the first time in the early 30s and 40s, the courts were obliged to consider the welfare of the child (Thorpe et. al, 1980). This marked a significant transformation of the whole justice system, because it determined a different role of the courts, related not only with taking punitive action, but also correction and care for the young offenders. It is now clear that the transformation from punishment to welfare has been later underpinned in another important document – the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (Youth Justice Board, 2008). As the later stages of the British youth justice system demonstrate, the latter has always been responsive to the developments, taking place in the field of human rights at any particular time. The 1960s – young offenders and the community The trend towards welferism which started in the early 1930s continued in the next several decades, and had its peak in the 1960s, when a special legislation, concerned with the social integration and correction of the young offenders was passed (Youth Justice Board, 2008: Thorpe et. al, 1980). In 1969 the Labour government passed a legislation to introduce a revised youth justice system, based on welfare principles and reformation of criminals (Thorpe et. al, 1980). The 1969 Children and Young Persons Act emphasized the role of the community as the environment, which would play a major role in the social integration of those who committed offences. The act also established the so-called â€Å"halfway house†which was the middle way between being subject to a Supervision Order (which requires minimum contact between supervisor and young person) and being taken into care (Youth Justice Board, 2008; Children and Young Persons Act, 1969). This new establishment came to be defined as Intermediate Treatment (IT) and according to some observers was the foundation of the modern youth justice system. Another intended development of this period, which however, did not come to fruition, was the attempt to increase the age of criminal responsibility from 10 to 14 years. Prior to the 1969 Act, the criminal responsibility age was only 8 years (Thorpe,, 1980). The developments which took place between the 1940s and the late 1960s are a result of the rise of the welfare state in Britain and the rest of Europe. A major historical and sociological trend, the rise of the welfare state, which affected almost all policy sectors, was provoked by the advent of capitalism and consumerism, which according to social historians, exacerbated the class divisions in British society (Greenaway et. al, 1992). The youth justice system was no exception of this trend, and the establishments of the 1969 Act were a signifier of the fusion between community and policy. Youth crime was no longer a detached criminal activity for which only courts had responsibility – in the late 1960s it became a priority for the whole of the British society. The 1970s and 1980s – the strengthening of the Intermediate Treatment This decade was marked by persistence in the community-based treatment of young offenders. The role of community remained strong, and some judicial changes, such as the inclusion of â€Å"specified activities†in the Intermediate Treatment occurred. These were used to persuade magistrates to use communal sentences, instead of custodial sentences (Youth Justice Board, 2008). In this sense, the young offenders were made to participate in the welfare of the community as part of their correction process. In the light of these developments, it is interesting to notice that the connection between the community and young offenders remained twofold – young offenders were still treated as part of society, despite their violations. At the same time they were expected to contribute to its development. In its turn, society was to participate in their rehabilitation and integration in the post-offence stage. This is an important characteristics of the British youth justice system, because it reveals two things – that there is no positive connection between decreased custody and the level of youth offences, and that the British society took a middle stance between two types of justice – restorative justice, focusing on repairing the harms, resulting from the offence, and retributive justice, which relates to facing the consequences of the punishm ent imposed. This middle stance was about to change in the 1990s, when the cruel murder of two-year old James Bulger by two ten-year old boys was to push back the youth justice system towards punitive actions. Conclusion and recommendations This essay has attempted to critically examine the main stages in the development of the British youth system between 1945 and 1981. Two major developments have been discussed – the transition towards welferism and the steps towards correction, rather than punishment and custodial action. The role of the society has remained significant, and despite the developments of the early 1990s, the re-integration of young offenders has remained on the agenda. After the murder of James Bulger in 1993, public attention was once more shifted towards the reform of the youth justice system, and more specifically against the prevention of offending and re-offending, rather than mending the consequences of it. Therefore it is important that government efforts targeted towards bringing all the institutions involved in the British youth system under a coordinated scheme of action. Different units such as social workers, community volunteers, the police and those involved in education are to work together through enhanced dialogue. This means that the sectoralism in the criminal justice system needs to be reduced, and replaced with harmonization of efforts of different actors on all levels. This would ensure a holistic, rather than sectionalized approach to solving issues, related with youth crime in Britain. Bibliography: Bottoms, A. Dignan, J. (2004) â€Å"Youth Justice in Great Britain†, Crime and Justice, Vol. 31 Children and Young Persons Act (1969), 22 October, The National Archives, Available at: Retrieved 03.03.2012 Community Care (2010) â€Å"Ministry of Justice to take control of Youth Justice Board†, 20th May, Thursday, Available at: Retrieved 03.03.2012 Greenaway, J.R., Smith, S. Street, J. (1992) Deciding Factors in British Politics, London: Routledge ch. 2 pp. 29-39, ch 3. Guardian (2011) â€Å"What next for youth policy†?, August, 25, Available at: Retrieved 03.03.2012 Politics UK (2011) â€Å"Comment: What is causing the riots in London?, Nick Cowen, Monday, 8th of August, Available at: Retrieved 03.03.2012 Thorpe, D.H, Smith, D., Green, C.J, Paley, J.H (1980) Out of Care: The Community Support of Juvenile Offenders Allen and Unwin Youth Justice Board (2008) â€Å"A Brief History of the Youth Justice System†, Available at: Retrieved 03.03.2012 How to cite Youth Justice Policy in Britain (1945-1981) – from Punishment to Welfare, Essay examples
Thursday, April 30, 2020
Jason P. McCauley World Civilization II Essays - Carbonari
Jason P. McCauley World Civilization II Paper # 2 April 5, 1999 Guiseppe Mazzini, Faith in Democratic Nationalism Before the nineteenth century, Italy was basically controlled by outside forces consisting of other powerful European nations, such as the French. At the beginning of nineteenth century however, there was a great philosophical change going on in the Italian territories that was heavily pushing Italian Nationalism. This movement was sometimes referred to as the Risorgimento. This cultural and political period of Italian history helped fortify the countrymen's nationalism and strove for a unified Italy. Under this movement called the Risorgimento, there were also different views among the leading nationalistic advocates. One such advocate that related more to the radical side of the debate was Guiseppe Mazzini. His thoughts and writings pushed strong nationalism in Italy, as well as the idea that a unified Italy, along with a unified Europe, would provide the world with huge moral improvements and would also greatly help the progress of Humanity. His main point being that only revoluti on and war supported by direct public action would lead to the true unification of the Italian state. With these strong beliefs, Mazzini and other advocates of this cause provided the basic structuring of the revolutions in 1848, and also later revolutions. Guiseppe Mazzini was born in Genoa, Italy on June 22, 1805. At the time when Mazzini was attending the University of Genoa, he was arrested for his democratic actions and was therefore exiled. As a result, Mazzini started up the Society of Young Italy, who's main aim was the establishment of a free and unified Italian State. After plans for a national uprising were discovered, many of the leaders of Young Italy were either executed or exiled. Mazzini was condemned to death but managed to proceed in his democratic works. His ideas continued through his writings as he was forced to seek refuge in London, although he did return to Italy for the revolutions in 1848 and 1849 against the French. He did live to see the unification of Italy, although it was far from what he had envisioned in his works. Mazzini then returned to Italy once more and died on March 10, 1872. During his childhood, Mazzini's parents instilled many thoughts and beliefs pertaining to the idea of a free and democratic government in Italy. For the rest of his life, he then pursued his ultimate dream of a unified Italian state through his political teachings and writings. One major notion that fueled this life long quest was Mazzini's great interest in moral improvement and the progress of humanity not only in Italy, but also throughout the world. Certain evil governments(840) which extend beyond their natural boundaries through conquest have slowed the progress of humanity by dividing countries and also trying to incorporate other nations into their own. Doing this will slow down or stop the ability for one country to assimilate its entire people into one nationalistic culture. This culture can solidify a country by the instilling its nation's historical traditions, a common language, and also the idea of all people striving towards the same goals for the good of the country a nd humanity. As a result of these ideas, no man can really be a part of humanity without a country to love and fight for and without countrymen to love and support him back. As Mazzini states, Our country is our home, the home God has given us, placing therein a numerous family which we love and are loved by ... In laboring according to true principles for our country we are laboring for Humanity;(841), where if we fight for our country and our principles, we can only be doing good things for Humanity as a whole. Another idea that Mazzini stresses heavily is the basis of a country's laws and how they should be obtained and directed. He states, There is no true country without a uniform law.(841), meaning that if the laws you abide by are not regulating everyone in that nation the same way, because of class systems or just abuse of power by the hierarchy, you are not truly a part of a nation where the ground you live on should give you basic unbreakable rights
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